Food Court Super Bowl Snack Fundraiser
Thank you for your participation. The sale has concluded.
The fundraiser began 1.2.25. Brochures were distributed in homeroom. Orders and payments were due 1.14.25. Orders will be delivered just in time for Super Bowl LVII which will occur 2.9.25.
Food Court offers fabulous Bake and Serve Stromboli and Calzones.
Microwaveable ZAP A Snack French Bread Pizzas are packaged in six individually
wrapped frozen packages per box and are great to keep on hand for those busy
The Cheese & Garlic Pizza is great with spaghetti, or simply add a salad for a
quick dinner.
The patented tray enables the pizza to crisp in the microwave.
In addition, Food Court offers Award Winning Pine River Cold Pack cheese, perfect
to stock up on.
The desserts include ready-to-serve cheesecakes,
Carrot and Pumpkin Roll just like Grandma made, Cheesecake Bites, Cinnabon OOEY
Gooey Bites, and delicious frozen cookie dough.
The frozen dough and cheesecakes
are great to keep on hand for special occasions and those last minute plans. We are also offering an assortment of party favorites, sweets & treats,
snack mixes, and heartwarming soups suitable for GAME DAY and Valentines Day.
Delivery will occur before the SUPER BOWL 2/9/25.
Make checks and money orders payable to: GNA Senior Class. If you have any questions or need additional brochures, please see: Mrs. Jeffries